The only redeemable thing about this are the saber fights but even that's not enough to give it an extra star. It feels like a very watered down Star Wars show, more so than the Clone Wars. Like seriously how do they keep winning or getting away in the way that they do? I just don't feel like this show gives the viewer the classic Star Wars feel like it's predecessors. This week in Star Wars, we celebrate the announce of Clone Force 99 and Omega returning in 2022 for Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 2, get ready for some scary stories in LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales coming to Disney+ this October, and brush up on our droid care routine for the newly announced Star Wars Tamagotchi. The situations that the characters get themselves into is rather stupid and unrealistic. The texture on the animation looks like it was colored in with crayon or spray paint which I find highly unsatisfying. Ezra Bridger was born on the planet Lothal to Ephraim and Mira Bridger, on the. The animation in Rebels looks plain and simple, a bit more than it should. Ezra Bridger (codename Spectre 6) was a young Force-sensitive human street urchin living on the streets of the Imperial-controlled planet Lothal's Capital City trying to survive by crime until he was taken in by Kanan Jarrus, becoming his Jedi apprentice and a part of the Ghost crew's Rebellion against the Empire. The motley crew of the starship Ghost stands up for those who cannot fight for themselves, providing the spark to ignite a rebellion.

Even the Clone Wars series animation holds up better than this. It is a dark time in the galaxy as the Galactic Empire continues to tighten its grip on the people through oppression and fear, compelling a few brave individuals to band together in resistance. It wasn't realistic enough and the animation looks okay at best. I understand that this show was meant for kids but if I was a kid and saw this I would not be entertained enough. Okay to start things out I was rather disappointed with this. The Padawan we meet in episode 1 of The Bad Batch is Caleb Dume.